
See Beta Site for additional insights.

Something to consider: Todays first insight is Antichrist attacks other Antichrists

I’m beginning to think, people need serious help. Here’s an example of the stupidity, which is going on, and no one addresses it. Let’s start with free speech rules: does that mean you can tell a lie in free speech and get away with it? If any free-speech person knowingly tells a lie, and it hurts or injures someone, shouldn’t they be punished? Here’s my problem: Christian people follow the 10 commandments, only sometimes. You don’t seem to give a shit about this mortal commandment: bearing false witness against a neighbor, which I think should have the same punishment as any mortal sin, like murder. The heinous lies told by some lying Democrats almost got Trump killed, and if that’s not attempted murder by the planners, why do we punish only the shooter? Yes, the shooter missed, but the planners wanted him dead, and there is no punishment for the planners: it just seems like pure insanity.

Second Insight: Sexual Harassment 

Where do I start with the problems in America with sex in this country? The cultures and religions in these different groups are mind-boggling. We look at the Virgin Mary getting pregnant at 12 or 13 and we look at families with successful marriages that occurred between teenagers and adults: some have celebrated 50 or 60 years of being together and that is amazing. Now they say you have to be 18 to love someone. What these people don’t understand is that there are children exploring sex at five years old and yet some parents say it’s OK if 2 young girls are having sex and it is OK for two young guys to have sex as long as one of them is not over 18. Elvis was about 24 and Priscilla was about 14 and that was OK and when Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin who was 13 years old that was OK back in the day. These relationships worked out OK yet, today it’s illegal and you will be on Megan’s list for life.  We are the only species in the world that legally regulates sex. Religions seem to have created marriage as a reason to never fuck around with another wife or husband. Some religions make their women wear head coverings and clothes to cover up any beauty their wives so, they’re not stolen by some other prick. Some men and women get married to the first person that they have a relationship with and usually it’s local people: not much of a choice when you consider the number of people in the world. Even some preplanned marriages work if they’re together long enough. In some relationships, women use sex to get what they want as they starve their partner of sex. Some wives even say I’ll give you a blowjob tonight if you take us to dinner tonight. Some women yell rape when their boyfriend finds out they were fucking some other man just to protect their silly asses even though they gave consent for that sex. Some women can party their asses off, take all their clothes off, and say boys let’s go: the next day all the men are charged with rape which is fucked up because women are never at fault, they can get drunk and have a party but never be responsible. Some men are forced to get their girlfriend illegal drugs for some sex and when the cops come it’s never the woman’s fault. So, normally just the men are charged. Women drug users are rarely held accountable for any drug charges. The lies for any sexual harassment are insane and must be addressed.

Third Insight: Privacy

Your privacy is being eliminated, and you people don’t seem to give a shit. I could write a book on how they track and profile you, but you should know everything about you is recorded somewhere including your cell phone, websites, our government, and social media sites. Some websites are forcing you to turn-off your VPN to verify your location, telling us: it is for your protection as they say: turn your protection off, if you want to load our webpage. Your cell phone maybe your biggest enemy as it could be more powerful for the elite controllers than your social security number. You should all learn about AI, as every bite of information about you will be almost instant: which may include all your personal secure information. Try using the Discover Credit Card because they will watch for any dark-web use of your social security number. Not completely safe because they could be hacked, but still worth the risk if you use the Ben Franklin method. See rules for Ben Franklin *

*URL on Google search

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