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When I saw what they did to the Beast I wondered if he would host my messages and protect my name and location, he agreed and is hosting my messages. Keep in mind our communication has been strictly limited because of all the Security concerns.
This Official Antichrist is attacking All Evil Antichrists and there are many in America.
True, I don’t believe in any God, but I do know the difference between Good and Evil. Evil Antichrists might believe in some God, but they do heinous evil, and that’s why the Beast has decided to host me and expose them. Keep in mind, some of the religious teachings are powerful and good but no real god has ever given these teachings to any prophet: unless your god is Mother Nature. No god has any power to control anything here on this planet. The myths gods are many but not one God has ever returned for communication. We can all wish for a god but that is not reality, it’s a pure fantasy. Sorry if have hurt your feelings but I have found no evidence of a god.
Yes, the Beast 666 who hosts this site did this to hide and protect me. The Beast 666 was raised as a Catholic and lost his childhood religion. The Beast 666 took this number because the elite control freaks or Deep State want to track and control everything you do. Their plan is to use your cell phone to do just that. Your cell phone even knows what social medias you use, and that info is recorded. If you think this can’t happen, then wait until the control freaks don’t need you or your family around anymore. Yes, a heinous thought if you ever saw the movie, The Humanity Bureau.
The Beast had a grandmother who had a brother, who was a priest, and had a sister who was a nun. His other grandmother went to a catholic church every day to pray. He was frightened growing up about going to hell repeatedly. When I looked at the Catholic God and saw that this God had sent an angel to impregnate a 12 or 13 -year-old to have his only begotten son and would later torture his son and finally kill him, it made me think that this God didn’t have a very good plan. Yeah, the myths say he went to heaven, but we haven’t heard from him since. Don’t get me wrong, there are other Gods like Alliah who wants death to anyone who doesn’t follow Alliah’s rules, seems like most gods like death and torture. I am also trying to understand the Jewish God who allegedly freed His Chosen People only to have them circle in a desert and suffer there for 40 years, not a very good plan either. These religious myths have been told since 1700 BC.
Yes, even I wish there was a God, but after looking at the different Gods that people believe in, all the Gods failed to be real. Raised as a Christian myself, I must address that God first. Let me say this again, this God allegory got an angel to impregnate, Mary, a young girl about 12 or 13 years of age to carry his only begotten son. Then this God tortured his son and then had him killed by hanging him upon a cross until death. Then they say Jesue is raised from the dead and went to heaven and we haven’t heard from him since. That is a very interesting story, but I can’t believe an intelligent being would even think of such a sick story. This is a true murder story because it was premeditated and planned. Preachers have been saying for over 2000 years that Jesus is coming. Well, this type of fake communication by any God is another reason these gods have only communicated to a few nut cases and then disappear. I can’t buy any of these myths of any God communication. If you need a god for your sanity, please keep using that god but I have had enough of this BS. I have issued an open communication line for any God out there. One smart enough to start any kind of communication, not just with me but for the entire world and then not just disappear into thin air.
Here are some evil Antichrists in America who have claimed power over you and sadly 40% of American Citizen don’t have a clue about the appalling and heinous actions that they have done to maintain control. They have even used the FBI and DOJ to maintain control just in case you didn’t know how powerful and evil they are.
Here are some of Evil antichrists that I attack:
- Pelosi,
- Chris Wray, FBI Traitor
- Shiff or Shit mouth,
- Mayorkas,
- Biden,
- Harris,
- Alvin Bragg,
- Walz,
- Hillary,
- Schumer,
- FBI,
- DOJ,
- Garland,
- Barack Obama,
- Most Attorneys,
- Most Attorney Generals
- Most Prosecutors
- Most Judges,
- Most Large Corporations,
- The Fucking Squad,
- The main street media is fucked, they have used lies, religion and other tricks to brainwash America.
- Yes, there are a lot more. Can Trump ever expose them?
Ask yourself if Mayorkas doesn’t look and act like an evil Antichrist? Some of these evil Antichrists believe in God and most of their Gods believe in death or some punishment when you don’t follow the commands. The main problem is that most of these evil antichrists believe they are a God. There are so many forked tongues in the American Legal System it should scare you to death,
For the 40% of the Democratics, get your head out of asses you been conned, start thinking for yourself. The problems began with main street media, controlled by one party, they have seriously reported the fucking border is closed. Since energy is tied to everything we do, any country with high energy costs will suffer the consequences. The green fuckers want America to go green at a cost of 77 trillion to become carbon free by 2050 which would only effect 13% of global warming, Green America wants to be carbon free, yet they all want their products: cars, solar panels and wind blades all made in other countries which literally adds the same amount of carbon or more to the globe warming. It only adds the carbon in a different country which doesn’t make any sense at all. Yes, we should work on the carbon problem but American can’t do it or pay for it by ourselves. These evil antichrists have created such a hate for Trump that many Americans feel he should be eliminated. Thus, Trumps death threats are mounting. Iran and others want to eliminate Israel and thanks to be President Biden and Vice President Harris they have given Iran the money they need to do just that. They may soon have enough money to go nuclear. How fucking heinous is that? These evil antichrists don’t understand how that could end the world, nor do they even give a shit.
When you have had enough: Please boycott every advertiser on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and others so, that way we might great some truth about both parties.
Why don’t we make earth the Kingdom of God? Jesus said “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17), the wait of over 2000 years has been long enough, let’s make earth the Kingdom of God. It’s a vision without all the current Gods and it’s time to get rid of the hell on this planet. Jesus also said: “Out of all the commandments Love is the most important” so, let’s get rid of all the Hate in this new Kingdom of God on planet earth. Just an idea!
After looking at the Beast story, it seems that some cultures believe women and children are more important than men. Fuck those cultures, their life is not more important than men: we are equal. Fuck that Navy Commander who said: Women and Children First. It should be men first so they can help the women and children get safely in the boats especially other women and children that are floating in the water. In Pennsylvania a woman can get a protection from abuse order with no fucking evidence to support such. In Pennsylvania a woman can convict you by her word only, one person’s testimony and no other evidence is needed. In the United States sexual harassment can fuck you out of your job and put you in the poor house whether it was true or not. It includes smacking a women’s ass, oh the fucking pain this causes women, and the punishment for this is sometimes worse than Rape Charges. There is no statutory limit on sex charges so decades can pass, so one person’s testimony can put you through hell, ruin your family name, and ruin your professional career. Bare false witness was a mortal sin in the Ten Commandments, now it’s not even a sin anymore. Our legal system does not understand equal protection or ex post facto law. Our legal system has determined that 18 is the year you have enough brains for love and sex: the Virgin Mary was 12 or 13 and we are unsure if she gave consent or not to this Angel. We have people on the Megan List, who married their alleged victim, and that union of love is punished by life on the Megan Program. The insanity goes on and on. The States keep passing statutory laws which in many cases violate ex post facto law. Our legal system has made laws that say: we can end-run the United States Constitution thus, ex post facto law doesn’t apply anymore. The stupid bastards keep telling us: do what they say or suffer their consequences, just like any mythical god. Some legal people are control freaks and if one of them fucks up, so fucking what, they will hide and bury any evidence of their wrongdoing. The Beast has all the evidence of their fraudulent activities, so it’s strange that they haven’t kill him yet. They have this super ego, because they know they are the only Gods in town, and they know they can’t be touched.
People can wait until hell freezes over if they think their God will ever save them, or they can try to stop any wars which could freeze or burn up the entire planet. A better plan might be to make earth as our heaven and create a new Kingdom of God right here. All the different Gods want you to follow their commands, or it will be hell or death for you. Problem is that every mythical God has different commands, and most of their commands include death or hell for not following their commands. Some religious people tell their people if you do this for God you will get 62 virgins in heaven, in other religions they tell their people, you might come back as a mosquito or maggot. I studied around 26 Gods so, which one is the only true God: there isn’t one. If you want a Kingdom of God, you will need to start one right here on this planet. We will all turn to dust, but our spirit may live on forever. Yes, Elvis is dust, but his spirit is still around for sure.
This peace-loving antichrist says: If anyone bares force witness on another, we should remove all their belongings and place them in slave labor for life. I never could understand way the ten commandments have different punishments when they are all moral sins according to the myths of these religions. Murder has severe punishment, and bare false testimony has really no punishment in comparison. Perjury, rarely charged, and blackmail are becoming the norm on this planet, it must be addressed. There are so many evil antichrists that people falsely believe in and helping them makes you an accessory to their crimes. Many people better get their heads out of their asses before they destroy this planet. We have some new leadership coming to the United States, you can help or just get the hell out of the way. Trump is far from perfect, but all of us need to start addressing these evil antichrists before they take over our lives. When they use their power and money to control us, we better fight back. These evil antichrists are only human beings not Gods so, you must take them down because your God can’t seem to do it. Do you think every God is allowed to appear and then disappear? That is what every God has done, so far. I think there might be a holy spirit and an evil spirit, understand the difference.
Thanks for visiting,
The Good Antichrist is not perfect, I will make mistakes because I have no communication with any Supreme God, somewhat similar to the Budda philosophy. My line is open for some communication from any Supreme God but don’t try to tell me you are doing your God’s will or sent by him; I know some of these delusional fuckers and that’s why we have wars.
Happy Trails